I have just finished reading The Millennium series by Stieg Larsson. A lot of my friends had read it and enjoyed it yet fellow librarians did not recommend it. I thought I would read it and see for myself. To be honest im not really sure what I thought of it. The first book in my opinion was the best, I felt the other books especially the last one just sort of plodded along. I struggled with the multitude of characters, most of whom were never really developed enough, just sort of thrown in as a bad guy for the 'heroine' to come up against.
Im glad I read the books but I wont be rush to read them again.
Currently I am working my way through the Catalyst book list. The Catalyst Awards are held in North Lanarskhire every year and I have just joined the commitee so I am trying to get through the books I havent read yet. So far the stand out for me are:
- Unhooking the Moon - Gregory Hughes
- Out of the Shadows - Jason Wallace
Check out the awards at -http://catalystnlc.wordpress.com/